Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The Quiltmaker's Gift

"My child,
 I AM more kind, more generous, more mysterious, more pleasurable, more fun, more holy, more righteous, more together, more powerful, more loving, more here-with-you, more real, more abundant, more steadfast, more unfailing, more present, more whispering, more shouting, more triumphant, more known, more hidden, more glorious than you can ever think or imagine.  And I invite you into Me--into all the MORE that I AM.  Let Me flow through you awakening the crushed petals longing for life. 

Let Me breathe pure goodness over you, in you, through you until every pore is alive with life!  Let Me set you on fire with My glory.  For this child, you were made.  To pulse with my very being, my heartbeat.  You are beautiful.  Just as you are.  Totally enough.  Live in Me, move and have your being as a fish swims in the fathomless ocean.  Breathe in Me.  Let My waters, living waters, that well up to a fountain gushing forth flow into you and surround you.  You are wrapped in My arms of love, you can never leave."

Ps. 18:9, 16  He parted the heavens and came down.  He reached down from on high and took hold of me!

Remember, we get to live our rescue!